It is hardly a secret for parents that practically every child in preschool bounces for joy at the prospect of celebrating Christmas. Kids love colorful festivities and animated celebrations – which, of course, clearly describe the Christmas season – and preschoolers top the list of those who are overly excited to participate in this annual occasion. The other side of the matter is that, as happy and enthusiastic preschool children are when it comes to taking part in the celebration, they are also the first ones to be bored and throw tantrums about it. Children in preschool naturally have very short attention span, so it’s definitely a challenge to keep them happily occupied in one place for a considerable amount of time. The same goes with introducing them to the biggest celebration of the year. You’ll have to employ insightful tactics to let them get a good feel of Christmas – without going crazy with stress in the process. Here are a couple of ideas for preschool kids to give you a good headstart:
Take him to church
Being dragged out of bed at the crack of dawn is understandably not one of the things your preschooler is bound to look forward to, but bringing him to Simbang Gabi (Midnight Mass) is a very good way to introduce Christmas to him. It might help you improve his mood if you enthusiastically point out the animated Christmas lights along the way, and entice him with hot bibingka (local rice cakes) when the mass is over.
Lure him to the kitchen
Preschool children love to experiment and be really hands-on in just about any activity. Instead of craning your neck to the living room to see what’s he’s doing while you’re busily finishing the last batch of cookies, why don’t you just bring him to the kitchen and let him help you instead? You can assign your preschool darling to mix the dough, or better yet, decorate the cookies after you’ve taken them out of the oven.
Snuggle together on the couch
If you want to take some time off from your hectic schedule of shopping and cooking, it’s a welcome breather to grab a couple of Christmas movies and snuggle with your preschool angel on the couch. Christmas-related films are fun and colorful, so you can be sure that it would hold his attention for at least a few hours.
The attention of preschool children may easily shift from one thing to another, but the same thing makes it an interesting challenge for parents to let them have a good overview of Christmas. You just need a few strategies, and a lot of patience.