Date: July 23-25, 2018
Time: 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Venue: Pusat Kreatif Kanak-kanak Tuanka Bainun
Learn to code with the kid-friendly MIT and Google visual block programming. Build circuitry projects, program robots to overcome challenges, explore unplugged (off-screen) coding sessions that teach kids concepts of coding using problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Camp Highlights for Coding Workshop
– 10:1 Ratio
We keep the class size small, ratio of 10:1 though we often have extra mentors in the room making it 5:1. This provides more personalized attention to each student and an environment which can support holistic learning.
– Hands-on Learning
According to a study, students who practice what they’re learning in a hands-on environment can often retain three and half times as much as opposed to just sitting in a lecture room and listening intently. We find that providing hands-on experiential learning environment, students are better engaged and more inquisitive.
To find out more about the program, please email to or contact Jacqueline at 012-3377055