Must-Haves in your Preschooler’s Bag

When the going gets tough, make sure everything your child needs is within reach! 🎒


For many parents, sending their child to preschool is like the next level of parenting. You can’t help but come across a realization that he is no longer a baby and you’ll need to leave his care for a couple of hours to another stranger outside the comfort of your home.

Sometimes, you can’t help but ask yourself often, “Will he be okay?”

And since you cannot stop him from growing up, all you can do is to equip him as he explores another environment. Be sure to have these basic items for any untoward incident he may encounter in school, all of which can be stuffed in a small bag or expandable plastic envelope.

GROOMING KIT. Teachers often need this as there are unavoidable instances such as food spillages or getting soaked in sweat after playing during recess. Often, this is left at school and unused items are returned at the end of school year.

This is also important to teach kids how to take care of their personal hygiene even at an early age. Some of the essentials are:

  1. Baby towel
  2. Powder and cologne
  3. Comb and mirror
  4. Alcohol
  5. Wipes
  6. Toothbrush & toothpaste
  7. Extra set of clothes / uniform – must include underwear and undershirt
  8. Mosquito repellent patch or lotion
  9. Plastic bag – for soiled or wet clothes

Some schools may also require an emergency kit for every student. This should somehow have them prepared in case of an unfortunate event. In case it is not provided by the school, you can include a GET-HOME BAG for your little one with the following contents:

  1. Lights and signals: flashlight, whistle, extra batteries, and a glow stick
  2. First aid kit: cotton, alcohol, gauze, elastic bondage, band aid, and povidone iodine
  3. Medicines: paracetamol, loperamide, allergy medications if any
  4. Food such as energy bars or dried food
  5. Water

Helpful tips when packing that GET-HOME BAG.

  • Emergency hotlines must be included. Have your contact details printed on it as well.
  • Pack light. Choose only those that are necessary and easy to carry.
  • Place first aid kit and medicines in water resistant bag, plastic, or container.

Extra note: Teach your child the basics during a calamity such as the drop, cover, and hold in the event of an earthquake. More importantly is to STAY CALM.

Lastly, make sure that to have a foldable umbrella or a raincoat in his bag ready during the wet season. A jacket may come in handy as well especially when the classroom is air-conditioned.


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