Pregnant During a Pandemic: How to Take Care of Your Mental Health

How do you keep chill if you're pregnant these days? 🙂

Image Credit: Unsplash/ Fallon Michael

Pregnancy can be stressful and it can be normal for moms to worry about their diet, their baby’s health, work, and even financial issues. However, being pregnant in the time of a pandemic, such as the current one, can add to an expecting moms’ anxiety.

If you’re currently expecting, it’s ok to be worried in these uncertain times. But at the same time, you also have to ensure that you’re OK. Here are a few tips.

What are the signs of symptoms of high stress in pregnant women?

  • Appetite changes
  • Constantly worrying (and even dealing with fears) about pregnancy and delivery
  • Low quality of sleep or sleeplessness
  • Has problems concentrating

What can expecting moms do to manage or minimize stress at this time?

  • Lessen your exposure to news reports. You can minimize your exposure to it by only watching certain news programs or setting aside dedicated time for it each day.
  • Stay social even while physically isolating. Keeping in touch with friends and loved ones via video calls or chats can be both reassuring and calming at this time.
  • Remember to try to eat a healthy diet. Reaching for your comfort foods might give you a much-needed boost, but still, try to eat healthily for your baby. This includes eating lots of fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water.
  • Remain in contact with your doctors. It might be hard to just go to the hospital for a check-up these days so it’s best to ensure that you’re in constant communication with your OB and other doctors related to your childbirth and health. Try to also familiarize yourself with their clinics’ and your preferred hospital’s standard operating procedures at this time.
  • Consider attending online pregnancy or breastfeeding classes to help you better prepare for childbirth and the early days of breastfeeding.
  • Try to relax by meditating, doing deep breathing exercises, gentle stretching, or even yoga (upon the advice of your OB).
  • Try to get enough sleep by being consistent about bedtime and limiting screens beforehand.
  • Consider taking up a new hobby or reviving an old one – such as playing an instrument, reading, or learning a new language. You can also give yourself the freedom to nest by KonMari’ng your home and preparing your nursery.
  • Socialize virtually by making use of online support groups such as Facebook groups dedicated to motherhood and parenting. These can also provide support and help in terms of useful information and advice.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It could be as small as asking your partner to do more chores, asking a friend to assist in errands outside or anything that could lighten your load.
  • Consider online counseling if you think that nothing’s working. Seek professional help if you feel that nothing is working or changing.

Remember, if you or anyone you know is experiencing significant mental distress, it is important to seek professional help.

Stay safe, mamas!

References: Medical News Today, UT Southwestern Medical Center 


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