We Were Made For Loving You: A Story About Loss

By: Deanna Banares Dimacali I wrote this three weeks ago but hesitated to post it because of shame. But I told myself that if I wanted to live a...

A Daddy’s Thoughts on This New Adventure Called Parenthood

By: Ryan Elnar When I first learned that I was to become a dad, it wasn’t like exactly what you will see in the old Filipino movies where the...

4 Ways to Teach Your Kids the Essence of Giving this...

Christmas trees and carols can be seen and heard everywhere, and in case you still missed it, yes, it’s Christmas season once again. Along with those sparkly decors...

Of Career Changes and Becoming a Father

By: Kyle Lasalita More than 2 years ago, I made a career change so I can focus on becoming a father. My call center job gave me some of...

Clogged Ducts or Mastitis? When you should see a doctor

Breastfeeding can be hard in itself (read: making sure you produce enough milk for your child), but things like clogged ducts and mastitis can make it even more...

Baby Kidz Fair @ Kelantan Trade Centre!

Dates: February 16-18,2017 Venue: Kelantan Trade Centre Kota Bahru, Kelantan Time: 10.00a.m to 10.00p.m Baby & kidz fair now back again. Baby & kidz fair coming to kelantan trade centre (KTC), Malaysia...

When is Less = More in Parenting?

I'm taking a different route in parenting -- giving my child less to help her in the long run ☺️

8 Things You Need to Know Before and After C-Section

When you are planning or hoping for vaginal birth, there’s always the possibility of delivering via Caesarean or C-section. The birthing method could also be suggested by your...

Keeping the Peace with Your Partner while on Quarantine

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about several issues to light. Worries about falling ill. Worries about getting enough supplies for the family. Worries about keeping the kids busy....

Teaching Your Child to be Bilingual

Je t’aime, te amo, Ich liebe dich – wouldn’t it be nice if your children can profess their love to you in more than one language. Bilingualism and...

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