Leaving your toddler to a babysitter can be quite tricky. It is not enough to simply rely on first impressions. What then can you do to choose the right babysitter for your toddler especially when you need to stay out for work? Hear out these tips.
As much as possible, search from trusted sources
Your relatives or friends may know someone they would be confident to recommend. This would save you time from checking profiles. Because they are already familiar with your needs and current situation they would likely recommend someone that could fit in snugly.
Set an interview
Get to know your babysitter’s background a little deeper. Get relevant information regarding her previous experience as a babysitter. Skills on toddler care can be acquired for the most part through personal handling experience. Ask her situational questions to gauge her capability in handling a toddler. What would she do if your toddler becomes sick while you are at work? How does she go about toddler safety?
Require her to name a few people for character reference. It would be best if she could name previous employers so you can check with them later.
Sense rapport between your toddler and the babysitter
Test out her skills in actual toddler care. Do her actions reflect the skills she claims to have? It is also essential that your toddler is showing signs that he favors the babysitter. It is expected that your toddler may shy out at first and be hesitant. See how the babysitter could persuade your toddler to approach her. And when he does, notice how he relates back to her. Does he smile back? Who do you think is more likely to take in charge? Your toddler or your babysitter?
In choosing a babysitter for your toddler, do not rely on some innocent-looking face. You might regret on trusting a person for outward looks or impression. Sense an emphatic feeling instead. You need a babysitter who you can entrust your toddler while you are away.
It is essential that a babysitter truly cares for kids and not simply doing her job languidly. How do you sense real sympathy? A sympathetic babysitter is one who would oppose (even you) about practices beyond toddler care and would uphold toddler safety at all times no matter what. If you happen to find one, you have found a treasure.
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