Mom Shops: Online Brands For Babies That We Love!

online shopping

Shopping as a new mom has never been easier. This is probably why all, if not most of us are guilty of online shopping for our babies during our free time (a.k.a. While we are breastfeeding our babies!).

One of the best things about shopping online is that we get access to small local businesses that normally need to fight for our attention in the malls. And by buying their products, we are able to support budding entrepreneurs.

Here are 5 brands that have piqued our interest:

1. Orange confetti (@orangeconfettiph) – Orange Confetti is like a one-stop-shop for almost anything under the sun for babies and moms. You will find accessories like headbands and burp cloths in the cutest prints to super chic and minimalist maternity wear at reasonable prices.

2. Little Luli (@littleluli) – For #ootds that are totally on point, Follow Little Luli for clothes and accessories designed for kids (and mamas) who love to play in style.

3. Pottly and Tubby (@pottlyntubby) – The home accessories by Pottly and Tubby are what pinterest dreams are made of! From beanbags, to play tents, to pillows and teepees–if you’re looking for the finishing touch to a picture perfect nursery, this is the online shop to visit.

4. Beluga Dreams (@belugadreams) – A brand that is an advocate of intentional parenting, Beluga Dreams provides is like an online library for expertly curated books and educational materials for your little ones. You will find books with meaningful life lessons and empowering messages in their selection. They even have kiddie versions of novels and plays like “Les Miserables” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.

5. Seed Studio Toys (@seedstudiotoys) – For playtime tools with a traditional aesthetic but modern benefits, check our Seed Studio Toys for handmade crafts and toys. Visit their website and you’ll find wooden kitchen accessories, cars and trucks, boats, and painted peg dolls that are made from sustainable, eco-friendly, safe, and non-toxic materials.

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