Breastmilk is considered to be the best for babies. However, a lot of moms could not breastfeed their kids due to several reasons. And if you are a formula-feeding parent, you need to ensure that your child agrees with his formula milk and that it can sufficiently provide him with the right nutrients for his growth and development.
So how will you know if a certain formula brand is a right fit for your child out of all the other options in the market? Here are a few signs that might mean that you need to switch it up:
Your child has pale skin and no appetite
If you notice that your child has pale skin and not much of an appetite, then it could mean that he needs more iron and is not getting enough of it from his current formula milk.
Your child couldn’t sleep
Babies need sleep – lots of it, to grow and develop. So most babies average around 8 to 9 hours of sleep during the day and 8 hours of sleep at night. If you notice that your baby is fussy a lot of the time and seems to have trouble sleeping, then it might be time to consider asking your pediatrician for another formula milk option.
Your baby seems fatigued or weak
On the other hand, if your baby seems to be sleeping too much, sluggish, or even sickly, then it might also be time to consider switching.
Your baby is gassy
Babies can be gassy and tend to fart a lot, but too much of it can be a sign that they’re not OK with their milk. This includes if your baby’s tummy seems to be bloated or hard to your touch.
Your baby is wheezing after drinking a bottle
If you notice that your baby has halak or seems to be wheezing after having his bottle of formula milk, then it might be best to switch as well. Halak or wheezing could be a sign that his chest is congested with mucus and this is not normal after feeding. This could mean that they are ingesting something that’s causing the mucus build-up.
Your child is fussy after feeding
Babies’ fussiness could be due to several factors, such as a wet diaper, hunger, overstimulation, or sleepiness. But if he’s fussy right after feeding, his formula milk could also be a factor. If he doesn’t agree with his formula milk, then he might be in pain, which is then the cause for his fussiness.
Your child has diarrhea
If your baby always gets a bout of diarrhea after feeding, then it’s a sure sign that you need to change his formula, because this means that he doesn’t agree with his current one.
Your child gets a rash
Aside from diarrhea, another sign that you might need to switch is if your baby develops a rash, especially for newborns and younger babies as they are still very sensitive. If your baby consistently has a rash and you’ve already determined that it’s not diaper rash or from any of his skincare products, then it might be time to reconsider his milk.
Your child vomits
Another sure sign that you need to change your child’s milk is when he vomits right after feeding. Spit up or the easy flow of milk out of your baby’s mouth can be considered normal. However, vomit, or the forceful flow of milk, is not. More so if he seems fussy or hurt by it.
Remember, it’s best to always consult your pediatrician to know the right formula milk for your baby. Plus, your pediatrician can also give you more tips on how to manage your baby’s feeding and the things you’d need to take note of.