5 Creative Ways to Encourage Kids to Love Vegetables
If you deal with squirmy faces and disappointed looks every time you serve vegetables, you probably know this - teaching kids to eat vegetables is not an easy...
Quick Guide To Child Development (0 to 5 years)
When women get pregnant for the first time, we usually subscribe to an app that gives weekly or monthly updates of our baby’s development in our wombs. Some...
Co-Parenting Benefits: 5 Things You & Your Partner Should Know
I grew up in a broken family and after my parents separated, my sister and I were left to be taken care of by my grandmother. Let me...
6 Ways How An Overprotective Dad Can Do More Harm Than...
The roles that fathers have in our generation has had a significant facelift. We now see changing dynamics such as husbands staying at home, or fathers who are...
Must-Haves in your Preschooler’s Bag
For many parents, sending their child to preschool is like the next level of parenting. You can’t help but come across a realization that he is no longer...
The Dangers of Early School Enrollment
My Mom used to tell me that I was not too crazy about starting school as a kid. In fact, she had to force me to attend kindergarten because...
The 5 Signs of a School-Ready Kid
School season is among us once again, and for us who parent kids three to five years old, we probably have the same question lingering in our heads:...
Little Beauty Gurus — Can Our Kids Use Our Makeup?
When it comes to kids, it’s always ‘monkey see, monkey do’ – even in putting on makeup. If your little ones often see you apply makeup, expect that...
Lunchbox Woes: Raising Kids to Stand Up for Themselves
School has barely started and yet, here I am facing packed lunch woes with my 6-year-old daughter. As a picky eater, we’ve dealt with our share of unfinished...
Mommy, he’s mean! — How to Deal with Playground Bullies
If only there are more outdoor playgrounds or parks around, I’d definitely bring my daughter every day. Because of the modern “playpens” and the rise of indoor playgrounds,...