Raising a Confident Child – 6 Tips How to Do It

Aside from teaching our kids the alphabet, numbers, and hundreds of nursery rhymes and stories, an essential trait that we moms need to teach and develop in our...

Decoding toddler’s personality

Toddler-hood brings many changes that will define how your toddler acts and thinks in the long run. One of these aspects of toddler development is personality--your child's own set...

Quick Guide To Child Development (0 to 5 years)

When women get pregnant for the first time, we usually subscribe to an app that gives weekly or monthly updates of our baby’s development in our wombs. Some...

From Kitchen Sets to Action Figures: Letting My Toddler Discover...

By: Paula Cabrera When I was a kid, I loved playing with dolls. I loved pretending to be a princess. I begged my mom to have my nails done...

Benefits Of Play

Play signifies a lot of things specially to a child. It's their freedom of imagination, it's their way to express how they feel and think, and the easiest...

Join us in some post exam outdoor activities @ Cherry Kids...

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The Benefits of Ballet

By Mariel Uyquiengco A lot of girls naturally gravitate towards the leaps and twirls of ballet. They badger their parents to enroll them in ballet lessons for kids. Most...

Braving Child Anxiety By Heart

By: MaryRose Cobarde Candare My happy little girl has child anxiety. This is almost a self-contradicting line and not one that is easy to utter. It may even come...

Is Your Child Overweight? How to Protect Your Child from the...

By Mariel Uyquiengco According to the World Health Organization (WHO), childhood obesity is “one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. “ Once thought to...

Beyond Costumes: What Kids Need to Know about Different Cultures

Dressing up in costumes = a fun learning activity. Here are a few things you can teach your kids while dressing up 😉

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